Timeline and Causes of 'Operation Cast Lead' in Gaza

  • Article

The article from CAMERA outlines the series of events that led to Israel's military operation, Operation Cast Lead, in the Gaza Strip. It begins with Israel's withdrawal from Gaza in September 2005 and traces the escalation of hostilities, including the firing of rockets and mortars by Hamas and other Palestinian groups into Israel, the capture of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in June 2006, and the increasing tensions and violence in the region. The article highlights the Egyptian-brokered truce in 2008, its violations, and its eventual collapse, leading to the launch of Operation Cast Lead by Israel in December 2008. The operation was characterized by extensive air strikes and a ground invasion aimed at stopping rocket fire from Gaza. The timeline also covers significant international and political reactions, including the UN Security Council's resolution and statements from key figures, and concludes with the events immediately following the operation, including continued hostilities and efforts for a ceasefire.

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