Operation cast lead

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Operation Cast Lead, launched by Israel on December 27, 2008, was a 22-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip aimed at halting Hamas rocket fire. It began with intense aerial bombardments targeting Hamas's military infrastructure, followed by a ground invasion on January 3, 2009. The operation involved heavy urban combat, resulting in substantial casualties and extensive damage to Gaza's infrastructure. Criticized internationally for the high civilian death toll and humanitarian impact, the operation ended on January 18, 2009, with a unilateral ceasefire by Israel, followed by a ceasefire announcement from Hamas. Despite temporarily reducing rocket attacks, the operation did not resolve the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, leading to ongoing tensions and future escalations.


Operation cast lead


Operation Cast Lead was a 22-day Israeli military campaign in the Gaza Strip, launched to stop Hamas rocket fire into Israel. It involved extensive air strikes followed by a ground invasion, resulting in significant casualties and infrastructure damage.



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