U.S. assistance to Ukraine is a strategic and economically sensible investment. The total U.S. aid, while seemingly large, is a small percentage of total federal spending and is strategically sound. By supporting Ukraine, the U.S. aids a key ally in weakening a significant adversary without involving American troops, thereby avoiding American casualties and reducing financial burdens associated with U.S. military deployments. This approach is particularly important given escalating conflicts elsewhere and the challenge posed by China’s growing military strength.

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U.S. assistance to Ukraine is a strategic and economically sensible investment. The total U.S. aid, while seemingly large, is a small percentage of total federal spending and is strategically sound. By supporting Ukraine, the U.S. aids a key ally in weakening a significant adversary without involving American troops, thereby avoiding American casualties and reducing financial burdens associated with U.S. military deployments. This approach is particularly important given escalating conflicts elsewhere and the challenge posed by China’s growing military strength.

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