Several countries, including Bolivia, Bahrain, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Honduras, Jordan, South Africa, and Turkey, have taken diplomatic actions against Israel, such as severing relations or recalling ambassadors, in response to Israeli actions during the war

  • Claim

In the wake of the 2023 Israel-Hamas conflict, several countries have taken diplomatic actions against Israel. South Africa withdrew all its diplomats from Israel, criticizing the occupation and settlement expansion in Palestine. Bolivia severed ties with Israel, citing "crimes against humanity." Chile recalled its ambassador to Israel over violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza. Colombia also recalled its ambassador after its president compared the IDF to Nazi Germany and in protest over the treatment of Palestinians.


Several countries, including Bolivia, Bahrain, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Honduras, Jordan, South Africa, and Turkey, have taken diplomatic actions against Israel, such as severing relations or recalling ambassadors, in response to Israeli actions during the war


In response to Israeli actions during the 2023 conflict with Hamas, South Africa, Bolivia, Chile, and Colombia engaged in diplomatic protests ranging from recalling ambassadors to severing relations, driven by concerns over human rights violations and the occupation of Palestinian land​
