Urban Exchange Walk 5/28/24

  • Outreach walk


Urban Exchange, they host youth ministers and provide Outreach opportunities in SF. There were a few youth from Oregon. Saturday afternoon in May.

What did this walk entail?

Two young adults who were staying with Noah, the pastor. A few from a youth group. The team packaged up hygiene kits. Went to the Tenderloin and distributed them during the day.

Who hosted?

Urban Exchange

Who attended?

5 total volunteers

  1. How many Individuals were engaged?

The team had 200 hygiene kits. There were a few people who took a lot of the hygiene kits.

  1. Had they heard of or visited the organization before?

Dan walked around and passed the items out. Urban exchange wasn’t mentioned.

  1. Their demographic information (age, gender, race, birth state, where they currently stay)?

  • Wide range, not many youth

  • Mostly ages 25+

  • White, Black, Chinese, and more

  • There was at least one person from Washington

  1. Specific needs identified (medical service, recovery, family reunification etc.)?

One of the youth who was in Dan’s group, was asked if they could pray for an individual, and they wanted general prayer. They were grateful for this support.

  1. Any immediate assistance that was requested or provided?

Really high quality nail polish was stolen from someone’s hygiene kit, and then it was replaced by the team.

  1. Was contact information shared?


  1. Is follow up needed?


  1. If so, who will follow up and when?


Team Debriefing

Conduct a debriefing session with the outreach team after your street outreach walk or event. Discuss any surprises, observations, challenges, and learnings you collectively had.


The Tenderloin is a diverse place. There was a religious organization doing an “aggressive” style outreach, where they had a PA system. They were very loud, and angrily yelling a “fire and brimstone” message, mentioning “sinners” and prompting people to "repent" and turn their lives around. Some volunteers found this energy off-putting, but noticed that unhoused folks still lined up to get meals from them.

A solution was that one team walked away so they didn’t have to hear it.

Observations from the walk


Some people who didn't appear to be unhoused came and grabbed multiple hygiene kits.


  1. 1. There wasn’t a preparation talk leading into the walk: Goals, plan, general practices (don’t pull out your phone) could be useful to include.

  2. 2. It would be good to note a specific cap/quantity of hygiene kits per person

  3. 3.



  • This event was very christian, but welcomed folks of any religious expression

  • There was a prayer at the end

  • Some of the youth ministers were prepared to pray for folks if they asked

  • This event was very christian, but welcomed folks of any religious expression

  • There was a prayer at the end

  • Some of the youth ministers were prepared to pray for folks if they asked

Ideas for future walks

A 1-pager could be useful and or a 30 minute overview/newbie training for the 1st timers

Additional thoughts

Additional thoughts

Follow up on youth ministers who moved here from Northern California, where did they end up moving? Do they have affordable housing?


Urban Exchange Walk 5/28/24


Urban Exchange hosts large group street outreach walks around 4 times per year. This May, they hosted youth ministers and distributed hygiene kits in the Civic Center Area in San Francisco.













Outreach workers