Biweekly DAO meeting

  • Event

Tree Ring Village

Land search

  • Progress with the Oakland site

  • Connected with HOA President

  • Walked the site with agents

  • Secondary visit with Marta (architect), Kris (BOSS Cubez), and Paul

  • Working with our agent to draft up the Letter of Intent


  • BOSS Cubez

  • Questions that members have

Community design

  • Recovery model

  • Participant responsibilities

  • Discuss 6 month ideal stay following 6 month recovery program

  • Discuss focusing on a monthly theme (Manners to succeed, Financial literacy, Diet health, Physical fitness, Mental health, Workforce development)

Community needs to discuss

  • Home furnishing partnerships/donations (beds, bedding, desks, dressers, indoor lighting)

  • Kitchen needs to serve 20 participants - How do we want this to look?

  • Outdoor lighting

  • Fencing

  • Utilities

  • License to operate

Event with Kathy/Vanessa and Oakland Diocese

Oakland SRO site

  • Discuss ideas

Phatt Chance Community Services

Updates and needs


Onboarded to the Geo space

  • Publishing projects

    • Monterey

    • Salinas


Jim emphasized understanding individuals to create tailored success plans through surveys. Ideas were discussed on collaborating with workforce development partners and exploring diverse housing options for specialized services.

In conjunction, property opportunities were explored and explored a possible matchmaker role for an Oakland SRO site and its potential as transitional housing. The meeting also delved into future plans & partnerships, including engaging with CityTeams, property search for service expansion, and establishing collaborations with community organizations.

The narrative weaves into a reflective setting and transitioning smoothly from practical discussions to a contemplative tone. Emotions and thoughts intermingle as the individual grapples with self-discovery and inner conflict. The passage culminates in a yearning for connection, encapsulating a journey of introspection and longing for a deeper connection.


🏡 Tree Ring Village Updates

Preparing Letter of Intent for Oakland property that seems like a great fit

We had a couple of really promising visits to the site

📝 Responsibilities for Residents in Recovery Program

Consider different responsibilities for individuals in the recovery program

  • Cleaning

  • Garden assistance

  • Kitchen help

  • Assist with programming

  • Farmer's Market

Discussed the importance of tailoring classes to individual interests for better engagement.

📅 Weekly Themes and Personal Development

Plan for weekly events focused on various themes like manners, health, financial literacy, goal setting, and day-to-day success.

Discussed the idea of a monthly theme for personal development and gathering topic suggestions.

📊 Assessment and Individual Progress

Mention creating a scorecard for life skills evaluation before program completion.

Emphasize the importance of understanding residents' future goals and passions.

🤝 Collaboration with Oakland Mayor's Office

Reached out to the mayor's office and establish a meeting with Lao for further collaboration.

🏠 Housing Navigator Service

Discuss the need for a housing navigator on-site to assist residents effectively.

Determine the appropriate timing to introduce this crucial service.


Biweekly DAO meeting
















Wednesday 4/24 @ 11am