Biweekly DAO meeting

  • Event


Phatt Chance

  • Learn about their work

  • Explore ways to collaborate


  • Share collaboration matrix concept

Tree Ring Village

Land search updates

  • Fremont property (potential to collaborate with Kathy)

  • Update from Anthony

  • Meeting with Oakland Diocese

  • Met Lena Tam (Alameda County D3 Supervisor)

  • Property in Concord offered to us

Discuss prefab vender Boss Cubez

Ben Bartlett (vice mayor of Berkeley) will be at the House of Web3 on Thursday

  • Spearheaded Yes in God's Backyard

Discuss our visit to LifeMoves

New design from Marta

How to get operations up and running quickly once land is acquired


  • Home furnishing partnerships/donations (beds, bedding, desks, dressers, indoor lighting)

  • Kitchen needs to serve 20 participants

  • Outdoor lighting

  • Fencing

  • Utilities

  • License to operate

DAO Updates

Discuss flow as people express interest in joining the DAO


Phatt Chance Community Services

  • George Turner

    • Providing housing and services since 2007

    • Became a non-profit in 2008

    • Locations: Daly City, Oakland, and San Francisco, each with its unique characteristics

    • Daly City: Students from SFSU (Project Rebound)

    • San Francisco: Probation referrals

    • Oakland: Mature residents, including some seniors

Monterey Area

  • Common in CSUMB: 20% of students are homeless

  • 20% of local Home Depot employees are college students

  • Military base: Fort Ord contains asbestos and lead

  • Monterey Peninsula lacks additional water

  • D-Cell plant under discussion

Total Number of People Served

  • Currently serving 25 people

  • Homes are leased at present

Length of Stay

  • Average stay is one year, with extensions on an individual basis

  • Some shared and some private rooms


  • Initially funded by George

  • Some funds from contract with SF Adult Probation

  • 75% or 9 residents funded through this program

  • Insufficient funds to expand or provide desired services

Suggestions for Partnerships

  • Kathy Chao Rothberg: Good connection

  • Catholic Diocese: New director with criminal justice focus

  • City Team: Potential source of free meals

  • Some residents contribute towards rent through employment

  • Community partners assist in finding housing

  • Current challenge: Residents caught in a cycle

Housing Type

  • Transitional housing, not permanent

  • Provides communal meals, fostering a family atmosphere

Demographics of Participants

  • Main focus: System-involved individuals

  • Also veterans and those with mental health challenges

  • Some have co-occurring disorders

  • Supports without licensed psychologists

  • Assists with appointments and medical regimens

  • Supports those in higher education


  • Increase budget

  • High success rate with residents graduating

  • Potential for replication and scaling


  • Based in Monterey County

  • Addresses poverty and substance abuse

  • Trains prisoners for employment and housing

  • Building modular homes in prisons


  • Program now offers credentials

  • Participants motivated to give back

  • Requires minimum number of prisoners to run

Lake County

  • Request for Proposal (RFP) process underway

  • Collaboration with various organizations

  • R3 handles pre-construction

  • Focus on tying healthcare and housing

  • Currently addressing electrical service challenges

Solar and Other Solutions

  • Solar not strong enough, but potential for future

  • Exploring alternative energy sources

  • Potential for prison industries to diversify

SB 4 - Yes In God’s Backyard Policy

  • Churches offering land for low-income housing

  • Potential for interfaith cooperation

  • Solution involves community service and bridge-building

Additional Organizations

  • City Serve: Warehousing donated items

  • Love our Cities: Organizing service days

  • Planting Justice: Nursery employing formerly incarcerated at $25/hr


Biweekly DAO meeting
















Wednesday 3/27 @ 11am
