GRC-20 Hackathon 1
Voting period
Pass threshold
Active proposals
Accepted vs. rejected
- The first word in an entity name should be capitalized, with all subsequent words written in lowercase (unless they’re names) - Do not use a period for names if there is only one sentence. Use a period if there are two sentences. - Descriptions start with a capital letter and include a period at the end. - Description of an entity should not mention the entity name itself. In this case “Full stack engineer” should not be mentioned. - Do not include a trailing slash for base URLs (applies to all URLs).
- The first word in an entity name should be capitalized, with all subsequent words written in lowercase (unless they’re names) - Do not use a period for names if there is only one sentence. Use a period if there are two sentences. - Descriptions start with a capital letter and include a period at the end. - Description of an entity should not mention the entity name itself. In this case “Full stack engineer” should not be mentioned. - Description should be short and clear, 1-3 sentences. - Do not include a trailing slash for base URLs (applies to all URLs).